Tuesday, July 8, 2008

too lazy to ride a bike?

don't sweat it, big brother has you covered...and by that i mean google. i've got very mixed feelings about this latest google maps/street view toy. on one hand it's encouraging. google continues to offer more cool and useful things aimed at the relatively internet savvy american. which is good, at least until they set their sights on something a bit more sinister than world information domination. on the other hand it feels a lot like second life...and by that i mean that i mean virtual lameness. it feeds the idealistic inkling we are given as we're growing up. you've probably heard it a hundred or so times, "you can be anything you want". regardless of what precedes or follows to qualify it, you eventually grow up to find out that line simply isn't true. at least least not in the literal sense. go play...

...or better yet, go ride.

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