Wednesday, January 28, 2009

happy birthday jackson pollock

i'm not sure i really got it until i saw his work in person. it's quite possible i don't really get it now, but i do enjoy it. there is a monumental quality to his work. viewing it, for me, is a near endless process of discovering little portions that seem just right. it's a bit like discovering an amazing tiny detail on flower you never looked at closely enough--that's on a scale so vastly different from the forest it lives in. an amazing tiny detail that makes you smile. he would have been 97.

"Every good painter paints what he is." -JP

so, go paint yourself.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

doing more with less

a really wonderful stop motion video...

and dubious talents!


Thursday, January 15, 2009


i recently re-watched better off dead--one of my favorites, and an early john cusack classic. in watching it i was reminded of van halen, a band that, at the time, i think i was simply to young for--or at least too young to be a fanatic. i'm not to broken up about it though because, while it was a certain time and a certain place, it wasn't really great music.

DLRsteriods. do it.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


over dinner a conversation grew out of a simple "do you have monday off?" into a somewhat heated debate over civil religion, and especially the observance of patriotic memorials (martin luther king, jr. day in this case). being a week out from barack obama's inauguration makes this muppet show tidbit feel somehow more relevant. i'm cautiously hopeful about our soon-to-be president. i really hope he doesn't fuck it all up. he definitely has his work cut out for him.

making it fun.

when you make it fun, people stick around. when people stick around, you get through to them...whatever it is you have to say. or sell.


go play!

p.s. ctrl, shift, and arrow keys make for an extra good time. if you want an extra double good time, check this out.

Monday, January 12, 2009

oleg dou

the first thing i thought was: are these real? computer generated? painted? i really wasn't sure. i love not being sure. rather than what they aren't, let's get at what they are. surreal yet engaging. funny and sad. inhuman and very human. real and unreal. amazing. photographs.

Toystory Mask

Tears Dark

Toystory Puffs

oleg dou

stackable hip hop

i came across this delight some days ago...and i was delighted by the simplicity of the concept. hell yes.

via beans