Sunday, June 8, 2008


most of the time they say "uh-huh" or "oh".

i don't really get tired of explaining what i do, because i feel pretty lucky that i get to do it. so, after they say whatever they say, i usually ask if they know what that is. typically they don't. i find "product designer" registers a bit better than "industrial designer", but i don't much like it because i think it's confining. an oversimplification. whatever. i came across a new tidbit, and found myself a bit inspired. someone else feels the way i feel...and runs their business that way. not just talk. business, responsible design, and manufacturing are not competitors--not at odds--they're partners. a worthwhile read, and a much better description of what i do than just "product designer".

1 comment:

Vertigo Cycles said...

They run an amazing company and they're business practices prove it out. Right now they're constructing an in-office cafe so the employees have someplace to eat other than running down the street to the McD's (they're located in a busy industrial district without any of the typical ma and pa eateries). It's not only the employees who benefit though, local builders will be able to sit down for coffee or tea while waiting for customer service to pick their parts AND we'll be able to use their space to meet with customers. Sweet. Those guys rock.