i'm pretty geeky about bikes. recovering, but geeky none the less. it's ok, i'm not embarrassed to say it. NAHBS, as it's abbreviated (north american handmade bike show), was held in portland last weekend. i don't need much of an excuse to scour the internet for pictures of bike related anything, a trade show is more than enough--nevermind a trade show that's focused on more unique, more well-made, more beautiful bikes. so scour i did...only it wasn't the same...less oohs, less ahhs. not that i was disappointed, just focused. i was intent on finding any and all coverage to be had on Vertigo Cycles.
about a year ago a friend of mine decided it was the right time to make a dream come true. his dream of making titanium bikes, for a living. knowing it wouldn't be easy, make him rich, or leave him with all that much free time...he did it anyway. i can't think of another person i know more apt to make bikes, and make them well. it makes me feel so.
proud is probably the word i'm looking for. proud and maybe also envious. i'm proud of how far Sean has come in year of building frames, and envious that i'm not welding frames in my garage.

1 comment:
I'm all ablush at the moment. I don't know how I've missed this, it might have something to do with the fact that I didn't put your name on the bookmark for this blog (fixed now) and overlooked it on my daily blog read. Thanks for the compliments and I can't wait to finish the CX bike* and show it to you.
*I apparently can wait to finish the CX bike because it's still hanging, unfinished in the garage. Just one more doo-dad needs welding and it's done...well that and hours upon hours with scotchbrite and then decals.
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