funny and well executed. makes me wish i could have fun with web design, instead of just totally sucking at it.
what's your type?
via core77
Friday, February 15, 2008
i am helvetica.
Labels: how to awesome, motion pictures
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
i'm pretty geeky about bikes. recovering, but geeky none the less. it's ok, i'm not embarrassed to say it. NAHBS, as it's abbreviated (north american handmade bike show), was held in portland last weekend. i don't need much of an excuse to scour the internet for pictures of bike related anything, a trade show is more than enough--nevermind a trade show that's focused on more unique, more well-made, more beautiful bikes. so scour i did...only it wasn't the same...less oohs, less ahhs. not that i was disappointed, just focused. i was intent on finding any and all coverage to be had on Vertigo Cycles.

Labels: biggity bikes y'all, how to awesome
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
have a good long look.
you can't help but take notice.
different people always stand out a bit...and the missing-an-arm kind of different is hard to miss. i saw a guy at the gym tonight who was different in exactly this way. i was struck by how it affected his climbing style. the prosthetic, which started just below his elbow, was at once a hand that never gets tired and an awkward stilt like distance to be overcome when closeness is called for. i wanted ask him about it. i wanted to know if, all things considered, had it helped or hurt his climbing. i wanted to, but i didn't. for a few reasons. i didn't want this point of physical differentiation to be my in. i didn't want it to become a focus, when i know that like everyone one else, that's not the beginning and end of his story. i didn't want to make things uncomfortable, when he and i and everyone around seemed so at ease with this difference. after all, i didn't know the guy, and isn't it crass to expect he'd like to discuss his armlessness with me?
then he turned around. he turned around and i got a good look at him. i do know him. sort of. wait, no i don't.
this guy turned out to be Aron Ralston. y'know the guy that got pinched by a fallen boulder in a slot canyon in utah? you know, the guy that cut his own arm off with a pocket knife when he realized there was no other path to survival? yeah, that Aron Ralston.
as it turns out i should have asked him. surely anyone with the balls to cut off their own arm, with a less than ideal tool no less would've had no problem telling me fuck myself if he didn't want to talk about it. perhaps i need to give people a bit more credit.
Labels: how to awesome
you should do this.
the new york times, aiga, and winterhouse are promoting a documentary, if you will, of polling places. all of them. yours even.
not being a registered member of any political party puts a stinky sock in the mouth of my participation, but you should do this. it's cool. i like open-source or community style projects in general, but if photography is involved--all the better.
happy voting, and try not to get distracted by the bingo.
via NYT