Wednesday, June 18, 2008

having it your way.

i think what makes street art appealing and accessible is it's conversational nature. at least i think that's what i like so much about it. no gallery to go to, no visiting hours, no no-flash photography, no rules. you can pee on if you want to. it's not perfect, it's not artificially maintained, protected, or even particularly respected. it's life imitating nothing. it's like the funny conversation you overheard between two of the dumbest people on the planet, or the dickfaced meathead berating his girlfriend for dumping her bike--when she's still shaking and just happy to be alive, it's the cute little something growing up through a crack in the sidewalk. it's...dynamic and spontaneous.

it's a crime of opportunity. it's wit. it's a good joke. it's beautiful. it's ugly. it's informal. it's a doodle. it's a masterpiece.

via flickr



it's one of the things that makes me smile.

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