kids know...or better said, they don't know all the things that prevent us grown ups from being as awesome as we could be.
i suppose it's possible to hang on to that quality, but after so many mistakes, missteps, and hopefully only a few misdemeanors--followed up by a scalding voice of experience, or condescension, or a knowing look--who wouldn't want to get rid of it. it's easier to know the rules and play by them, sort of. somewhere in the process of growing up, it seems, we forget, or unlearn this explorative, risk-inclined, truly open minded approach.
there aren't many that really relearn how to awesome. i think it essentially boils down to a question--a point of view. not so much why, as why not. when you don't know all the rules and reasons, you might do great things unintentionally. when you know and don't care, you're halfway there. so go do it.

Shannon (7)

Mandy (8)